- Promotes weight loss by increasing metabolism
- Improves constipation problem
- Reduces risks of breast, colon and other cancers
- Improves eczema and psoriasis
- Does not increase blood cholestrol
- Does not promote blood platelet stickiness and blood clot formation
- Prevents premature aging and wrinkles
- Regulate blood sugar level
- Reduce risk of heart disease
- Support thyroid function
- Prevent osteoporosis
- Detoxify your liver
- For better blood circulation
- Enhance your memory
- No more thyroid problems
- No more water retention
- No more cracked skin
- No more chronic tiredness
- No more irregular periods
- No more period pain
- Cleanse your intestine
- For hair and scalp problem
- Relieve arthritic pain
- Diminish dark circles and fine lines around the eye area
- Eliminate skin fungal infections
- Improve the appearance of skin blemishes
- Beat your diabetes
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