New Improvement!
Event Time 10:00am - 10:00pm
Event Location Kuching Waterfront
Venue The whole area of Waterfront Square
Event Organizer Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan (FAMA)During this exhibition, we were able to meet our prospective customers and have lots of people coming to our booth. Moreover, we are glad that the adviser of Unit Pembangunan Usahawan Bumiputera, Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Adzmy Abdullah, dropped by to our booth to give a pose and a nudge of support. Thank you, Dato', for spending the time for us!
Pada pameran kali ini, kami telah meluangkan masa berjumpa para pelanggan kami dan ramai pendatang pameran ke gerai kami. Malahan, kami juga turut berbesar hati menerima kehadiran Penasihat Unit Pembangunan Usahawan Bumiputera daripada Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Adzmy Abdullah, yang sudi menapak kaki ke tapak pameran kami untuk bergambar bersama dan memberi sokongan kepada kami. Terima kasih, Dato', kerana sudi meluangkan masa bersama kami!

Kumpulan 2one VCO bersama Dato' Adzmy Abdullah dengan produk VCO kami.

Diyana memberi penerangan dan memberi peluang kepada Dato' Adzmy untuk mencuba VCO.

Dato' Adzmy memberikan sokongan padu kepada Diyana, sambil diperhatikan oleh Puan Siti Hajar dan Amirah.

Kumpulan kerja 2one VCO (ikut arah jam):
Puan Siti Hajar, Diyana Mahmud, Amir Hamzah Mahmud, Amirah Mahmud.

Penggera utama (dari kiri):
Diyana Mahmud & Amir Hamzah Mahmud

Ahli kumpulan bersama product kebanggaan kami, 2one VCO.

Adik beradik yang menjalankan kumpulan perniagaan bersama (dari kiri):
Amir Hamzah & Amirah Fatin

Diyana bersama ibu, Siti Hajar, yang datang memberi sokongan padu.

Promoter kami yang paling bertenaga, Amirah Mahmud bersama kain rentang 2one VCO kami.

Amirah dalam keadaan bersedia menunggu kehadiran pengunjung tapak pameran, sementara Amir menyimpan tenaga sebelum pengunjung datang.

Amirah ceria melayan pelanggan.
Masa puncak! Kerja sedang giat dijalankan.

Amir memberikan sesuatu kepada Amirah. Apa agaknya?

Wajah-wajah ceria ketua kami.

Mungkin kami kelihatan seperti bermain, tetapi kami melakukan perniagaan secara serius.

Amir bermuka serius, serta Amirah memberikan senyuman mesra - seperti selalu!

Amirah, ditemani ibu, Siti Hajar, di tebingan Sungai Sarawak.

Meluangkan masa rehat menonton acara regatta di tebingan sungai.

Siapakah gerangan yang dilambai Amirah?

Selamat tinggal, Waterfront!
We would like to thanks all of our customers and visitors to our booth which had made our exhibition a success. We look forward to offer our service and hope to see you again in the future. Thanks to all!
Nota Akhir:
Kami ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua pelanggan dan pengunjung yang datang ke tapak pameran kami yang turut menjayakan pameran kami. Kami berharap akan memberikan khidmat dan berjumpa anda lagi di masa akan datang. Terima kasih semua!

Date : 25-28 June 2009
Time : 10.00am to 10.00pm
Venue: Kuching Waterfront

2one Production akan mengadakan gerai di Ekspo Industri Asas Tani 2009. Singgah ke Gerai A29. Kami berharap untuk berjumpa anda di sana!
Tarikh : 25-28 Jun 2009
Masa : 10.00pagi hingga 10.00malam
Tempat: Kuching Waterfront
Pada 9 Jun, pasukan 2one Production telah menyertai pameran Sambutan Hari Teknologi di MARDI Kuching untuk memperkenalkan produk Kelapa Dara kami. Majlis tersebut telah dirasmikan oleh Timbalan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani Malaysia iaitu YB Datuk Hajah Rohani binti Haji Abdul Karim, dan 2one Production telah mengambil bahagian bersama-sama dengan usahawan-usawahan tempatan yang lain untuk mempromosikan produk kami iaitu 2one VCO.

Selamat datang ke gerai kami! Barisan pasukan 2one Production: Amir, Diyana & Dalila bersama Encik Sahari dari MARDI Kuching.
Diyana memberi cenderahati kepada YB Datuk Rohani Karim.
Diyana memberi 2one VCO sebagai cenderahati kepada YB Datuk Rohani Karim.

Diyana di hadapan gerai, manakala Amir dan Dalila bersama pelanggan urut tapak tangan.
Pada majlis tersebut, kami telah melakukan promosi minyak kelapa dara dan urut tapak tangan menggunakan minyak tersebut. Para pengunjung telah diberikan peluang untuk mencuba sendiri minyak kelapa dara kami. Diyana dan Amir telah berada di sana untuk memberi maklumat tentang minyak kelapa dara dan kelebihannya serta menjawab soalan-soalan yang diajukan tentang produk. Manakala, Dalila pula sibuk melayan pelanggan mengurut tapak tangan. Jualan produk kami serta pengunjung yang datang untuk mendapat khidmat urut tapak tangan kami amatlah memberansangkan.
Kami juga turut menerima maklum balas daripada para pengunjung yang datang. Kebanyakan telah memberi sokongan kepada kami sebagai usahawan siswazah. Kami amat terharu dan berterima kasih ke atas setiap sokongan yang telah diberikan kerana ini boleh mendorong kami untuk berusaha lebih giat lagi. Terima kasih kepada semua pengunjung yang datang. Diharap agar kita akan berjumpa lagi pada masa akan datang.

Date : June 9, 2009 (Tuesday)
Time : 8.30am to 5.00pm
Venue : Stesen MARDI Kuching
Jalan Sultan Tengah, Petra Jaya.
We will be exhibiting and selling our product, 2one VCO. We will also be having a palm massage booth. Do come over and get your palm massaged.
We look forward to seeing you there!

The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil
By: Maggie VandenBrekel
"Coconut oil is the healthiest oil on earth" says Dr. Bruce Fife, a naturopathic doctor and the author of "The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil."Modern research backs up this bold statement. Once wrongly accused of increasing cholesterol levels, coconut oil is now actually being used by doctors in the treatment of a variety of disorders.
The saturated fat in coconut oil is unlike the fat found in meat or other vegetable fats. It is identical to a special group of fats found in human breast milk that have been shown to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and protect against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.
These fats, derived from coconut oil, are now routinely used in hospital IV formulations and commercial baby formulas. They're also used in sports drinks to boost energy and enhance athletic performance.Virgin Coconut Oil is a product that can rightly be called a “neutriceutical” because of its ability to help a number of health problems - substantiated by the abundant positive research that has been carried out on it.
Jon J. Kabara, Ph.D (Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University) had this to say about the value of lauric oils (contained in virgin coconut oil). "Never before in the history of man is it so important to emphasize the value of Lauric Oils. The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mother's milk and have similar nutriceutical effects.”Coconut oil has been used throughout Asia and the Pacific for thousands of years as both a food and a medicine. Even today it holds a highly respected position in the Ayurvedic medicine of India.
Only recently has modern medical research confirmed the many health benefits traditionally attributed to this remarkable oil. Another incredible fact about coconut oil is that even though it is a fat, it actually promotes weight loss!! The reason is again because of the healthy medium chain fatty acids. These fatty acids do not circulate in the bloodstream like other fats, but are sent directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy, just like carbohydrates. So the body uses the fat in coconut oil to produce energy, rather than be stored as body fat.
Medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also speed up the body’s metabolism, burning more calories and promoting weight loss. The weight-loss effects of coconut oil have been clearly demonstrated by many researchers. They offer wonderful health benefits and are nowhere found more abundantly in nature outside coconut oil. For the hypothyroid sufferer the medium chain fats rev up the body's sluggish metabolism and promote weight loss as well.So how much coconut oil should one consume? A good therapeutic dosage is 3 to 4 tablespoons a day. This provides enough lauric acid to build the immune system.
Also, look for unrefined coconut oil. Stay away from all hydrogenated oils, whether it is coconut oil or vegetable oils. Hydrogenated oils are oils with trans fatty acids, which have been altered from their original chemical composition, and have been shown to raise serum cholesterol levels that can lead to heart disease. Also look for unrefined coconut oils, like Virgin Coconut Oil. Most commercial coconut oils are RBD (refined, bleached, and deodorized). While these RBD oils do in many cases maintain the beneficial chemical structures of the medium chain fatty acids, they also contain chemicals used in processing. Coconut oil has been called "the healthiest dietary oil on earth". If you're not using coconut oil for your daily cooking and body care needs you're missing out on one of nature's most amazing health products.
By Maggie VandenBrekel

Thyroid Remedies
"Did you know that many animals suffer from an underactive thyroid just like their owners? This would ultimately make them excessively fat, no matter how much you exercise them!"
The lauric acid in Virgin Coconut Oil stimulates thyroid function. It increases the livestock's metabolism and makes them leaner, not fatter. Moreover, it also makes the livestock more active.
"How about trying a tablespoon of Virgin Coconut Oil in your pet's food every day to see if it perks them up? Eating the oil makes their coats nice and shiny too!"
Find 2one VCO at these RETAIL OUTLETS

RETAIL OUTLETS where you can find 2One VCO.
- Nur Hidayah Enterprise
Choice Supermall
Jalan Semariang
93050 Kuching
Lot 116 Ground Floor
Bangunan Ejawaris
Section 12 KTLD
Jalan Haji Taha
93400 Kuching
e-MART Jalan Matang
- Stesen Cantik & Sihat
Nur Hidayah Enterprise
Jalan Matang,
93050 Kuching,
If you would like to consider bulk purchase of 2one VCO,
please contact: ,
Two-One (2one) Production Company is founded in 2008. The company is located in Kuching Sarawak Malaysia. To search for Sarawak on the world map is first of all to locate for the Borneo Island.
2one VCO is founded with the vision to produce natural and chemical free virgin coconut oil that is not only beneficial to people but also to animals.
2one VCO is missioned to continuously improve and innovate our products and technology in order to stay one step ahead of changes in the food trend industry. It must start with quality raw materials to produce quality end products. This remains as our top agenda.
2one VCO is very fortunate to have all the supports and guidance from research and development government agencies like the world renown Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority, other state and federal agencies related to agrobased industries.
UTM (University Technology Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur.
Email :
Website :
in Multimedia Systems, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Email :
Website :

Hair Care
VCO helps in healthy growth of hair by providing them a shinny complexion. Massage your head regularly with VCO to make your scalp free of dandruff, lice, and lice eggs. It is an excellent conditioner and helps in the re-growth of damaged air. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair.
Stress Relief
VCO is very soothing and hence it helps in removing stress. Applying coconut oil to the head followed with a gentle massage helps in removing mental fatigue.
Skin Care
VCO acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skins including dry skin. VCO does not cause any adverse side effects on the skin. Therefore, it is a safe solution for preventing dryness and flaking of skin. It also delays wrinkles, and sagging of skin which normally become prominent with age. VCO also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections.
Premature Aging
Coconut oil helps in preventing premature aging and degenerative diseases due to its antioxidant properties.
Heart Diseases
VCO is beneficial for the heart. It contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in preventing various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. The saturated fats present in coconut oil are not harmful as it happens in case of other vegetables oils. It does not lead to increase in LDL levels. It also reduces the incidence of injury in arteries and therefore helps in preventing atherosclerosis.
Weight Loss
VCO is very useful in reducing weight. It is also easy to digest and it helps in healthy functioning of the thyroid and enzymes systems. Further, it increases the body metabolism by removing stress on pancreases, thereby burning out more energy and helping obese and overweight people reduce their weight.
Coconut oil is also believed to be useful in treating pancreatitis.
VCO helps in improving the digestive system and thus prevents various stomach and digestion related problems including irritable bowel syndrome. The saturated fats present in coconut oil have anti microbial properties and help in dealing with various bacteria, fungi, parasites, that cause indigestion. VCO also helps in absorption of other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
VCO strengthens the immune system as it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which is claimed to help in dealing with viruses and bacteria causing diseases such as herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even HIV. It helps in fighting harmful bacteria such as listeria monocytogenes and heliobacter pylori, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia.
When applied on infections, it forms a chemical layer which protects the infected body part from external dust, air, fungi, bacteria and virus. VCO is most effective on bruises as it speeds up the healing process by repairing damaged tissues.
VCO is very effective against a variety of infections due to its antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. VCO is also effective on fungi and yeast that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush, diaper rash, etc.
The presence of medium chain triglycerides and fatty acids helps in preventing liver diseases as they substances are easily converted into energy when they reach the liver, thus reducing work load on the liver and also preventing accumulation of fat.
VCO helps in preventing kidney and gall bladder diseases. It also helps in dissolving kidney stones.
VCO helps in controlling blood sugar, and improves the secretion of insulin. It also helps in effective utilization of blood glucose, thereby preventing and treating diabetes.
VCO improves the ability of our body to absorb important minerals. These include calcium and magnesium which are necessary for development of bones. Thus making it very useful to women who are prone to osteoporosis after middle age.
Dental Care
Calcium is an important element present in teeth. Since coconut oil facilitates absorption of calcium by the body, it helps in getting strong teeth. VCO also stops tooth decay.
HIV and Cancer
It is believed that coconut oil plays an instrumental role in reducing viral susceptibility of HIV and cancer patients.
VCO heals itchiness and prevent flea
- Apply VCO onto fur and rub into skin.
VCO for shiny, soft & healthy coat
- Apply VCO onto fur and rub into skin.
VCO improves limb weakness
- Mix 1-2 tablespoon of VCO with pet food.
VCO relieves cough
- Mix 1-2 tablespoon of VCO with pet food.

VCO prevents tic & coat hair loss
- Apply VCO onto coat and rub into skin.
VCO enhances coat hair growth
- Apply VCO onto fur and rub into skin.
VCO improves limb weakness
- Mix 2-3 tablespoon of VCO with food.
VCO improves appetite
- Mix 2-3 tablespoon of VCO with food.
VCO gives extra energy
- Mix 2-3 tablespoon of VCO with food.

- Promotes weight loss by increasing metabolism
- Improves constipation problem
- Reduces risks of breast, colon and other cancers
- Improves eczema and psoriasis
- Does not increase blood cholestrol
- Does not promote blood platelet stickiness and blood clot formation
- Prevents premature aging and wrinkles
- Regulate blood sugar level
- Reduce risk of heart disease
- Support thyroid function
- Prevent osteoporosis
- Detoxify your liver
- For better blood circulation
- Enhance your memory
- No more thyroid problems
- No more water retention
- No more cracked skin
- No more chronic tiredness
- No more irregular periods
- No more period pain
- Cleanse your intestine
- For hair and scalp problem
- Relieve arthritic pain
- Diminish dark circles and fine lines around the eye area
- Eliminate skin fungal infections
- Improve the appearance of skin blemishes
- Beat your diabetes

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from fresh coconut meat. Processed by wet or dry method. VCO can be obtained with or without using heat. To protect oil's essential properties, the production of VCO does not undergo chemical refining, bleaching and deodorizing. VCO has a fresh natural scent, clear, and does not have the heavy taste of most oil. It has high lauric acid content. VCO is fit for consumption without the need for further processing.
The method used to produce 2one VCO is fermentation. The coconut milk is expressed from the freshly harvested coconuts is fermented for 24-36 hours. During this time, the water separates from the oil. No heat is involved and absolutely no chemicals are used in the process. The oil is as close as possible to the way nature made it with all its nutrients intact. The result is a clear virgin coconut oil that retains the distinct scent and taste of coconuts. This is considered the highest quality and the healthiest form of VCO.
2one VCO is a clear or slightly cloudy liquid at temperatures above 26°C. It forms white 'pearls' and starts to solidify as it cools. At temperatures below 22°C it is a snow white solid. This is normal. If the oil is solid, place the container in warm water to melt it or simply scoop it out.
WHY is VCO good?
VCO is good to prevent diseases because it is nature's abundant source of lauric acid. It is important to emphasize the value of lauric acid. The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mother's milk and have similar nutriceutical effects. Lauric acid is the major medium fatty chain fatty acid found in VCO. Once digested, this fatty acid is transformed into monolaurin which has tremendous benefits for our bodies. The monoglyceride has antiviral, antibacterial, anti protozoal and antimicrobial that enhances the body defence mechanism.
Other amazing discoveries include the strengthening of the immune system, helping us control our weight, preventing heart disease, and acting as a efficient carrier when we are undergoing medical treatment. VCO actually prevents harmful fat from developing in our bodies. It also stops bad cholesterol from increasing, and stops blockages from forming in our blood vessels.
HOW is VCO different?
VCO is all natural and does not content any harsh chemicals. It is processed without the application of heat and chemicals. It maintains the natural flavour and nutritious content of the tropical organic coconut.
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